About Us
Wir sind eine Gruppe engagierter Europäer*innen, die ergänzend zu den Europa-Initiativen der Stadt und rund um die Städtepartnerschaften kontinuierlich auf Bamberg als Europastadt aufmerksam machen möchten. Dazu bieten wir regelmäßig Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltungen und kulturelle Aktivitäten mit Europabezug an.
- Working alongside the University of Bamberg and the Volkshochschule (Adult Education College), we organize and co-organized expert lectures, talks, presentations, and discussion events about Europe and all things and matters European, be it historical, political, or cultural…
- We take part in Bamberg’s annual Europe Day, where we show what we do and make new contacts, connections, and friends.
- We participate in other local campaigns and projects aimed at helping to make our city a place of welcome, safety, and friendship. These include the local help centre for refugees, Freund statt fremd e.V. (‘Be a friend not a stranger’); the International Weeks against Racism and the Intercultural Weeks of the MIB.
- We work closely with local community (national, religious, and cultural) groups in the organization of events to raise intercultural and inter-religious knowledge and awareness. These include information, film, and literature evenings.
- We organise small book markets with books in European languages for children and adults.
- Organizations, groups, and societies we work and plan to work with include: the University of Bamberg; Volkshochschule Bamberg (Bamberg’s Adult Education College); the German-Greek Club; the German-Italian Club; the German-French Society, the German-English Club; the Bamberg UA Association, Dardania e.V.; the Migrants’ Advisory Council; and local churches, mosques, synagogues, and religious centres.
…and that’s just the start of it! We’re constantly developing our programme and are always on the look-out for new members, new perspectives, new ideas.
While most of our events do take place in German, we also want to provide a welcoming space for those who don’t (yet) speak the language.
In fact, this is a great place to get to know lots of friendly Germans and practise your German! We’ve also hosted events in English, and with appropriate demand or interest, we’re certain open to hosting more.
So if you want to get involved, then do join us! We’d be delighted to meet and get to know you!